CG_Labs 2021.2
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Member bonobo::loadTextureCubeMap (std::string const &posx, std::string const &negx, std::string const &posy, std::string const &negy, std::string const &posz, std::string const &negz, bool generate_mipmap=true)

repeat now the texture filling for the 5 remaining faces

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Member edaf80::Assignment2::run ()

Create a tesselated sphere and a tesselated torus

Interpolate the movement of a shape between various control points.

Compute the interpolated position using the linear interpolation.

Compute the interpolated position using the Catmull-Rom interpolation; use the catmull_rom_tension variable as your tension argument.

Member interpolation::evalCatmullRom (glm::vec3 const &p0, glm::vec3 const &p1, glm::vec3 const &p2, glm::vec3 const &p3, float const t, float const x)
Implement this function
Member interpolation::evalLERP (glm::vec3 const &p0, glm::vec3 const &p1, float const x)
Implement this function
Member parametric_shapes::createQuad (float const width, float const height, unsigned int const horizontal_split_count=0u, unsigned int const vertical_split_count=0u)

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how many indices do we have?

how many bytes should the buffer contain?

bind the previously generated Buffer

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how many components do our vertices have?

how many bytes should the buffer contain?

bind the previously generated Buffer

bind the previously generated Vertex Array

fill me

Member parametric_shapes::createSphere (float const radius, unsigned int const longitude_split_count, unsigned int const latitude_split_count)
Implement this function
Member parametric_shapes::createTorus (float const major_radius, float const minor_radius, unsigned int const major_split_count, unsigned int const minor_split_count)
(Optional) Implement this function