CG_Labs 2021.2
No Matches
CG_Labs — Documentation


Here you can find the documentation for the source code used in the courses EDAF80 and EDAN35 given at Lund University, Sweden. The source code itself is hosted on GitHub at


Information about the dependencies and main requirements for building and running the project can be found in the README.rst file.
A guide for setting up and building the project is provided in BUILD.rst.

In the top-right corner of this page, there is a search field you can use to quickly look up a function or class. Via the navigation bar, you can quickly get an overview of all classes and namespaces found in the framework.


There are a couple of folders in the main directory you will be interacting with:

  • res/ which contains all the resources used in the course, such as images and 3D models;
  • src/ for all the C++ code, which runs on the CPU;
  • shaders/ for all the GLSL code that will be executed on the GPU.

src/ is further subdivided in:

  • a core/ folder containing various helpers and code shared by the different assignments;
  • a EDAF80/ folder for files specific to assignments for the EDAF80 course; shaders/EDAF80 is its associated shader folder.
  • a EDAN35/ folder for files specific to assignments for the EDAN35 course; shaders/EDAN35 is its associated shader folder.

Each assignment uses a main file called assignmentX.cpp, where X corresponds to the number of the assignment (e.g. assignment1.cpp for the first one).

Quick Links

Here is a list of classes for which you might want to check the documentation:

The bonobo namespace contains a couple of structures and functions you will be interacting with.

An overview of the to-do list (from all assignments) can be found on this page: Todo List.